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Blog factoids

Founder: Jen Reiher
Blog founded: January 1, 2011
Podcast founded: June 7, 2013

Formal Partnerships: 

Support this blog! Check out my Tastebud Guides project and
Purchase Local Flavour: Victoria 2012 the dining guide to dining out in Victoria BC

About the Author

This blog has been a long time coming. I cannot count how many people used to say to me "you should write a food blog!" or ask for recommendations when eating out. After several encounters with "industry" people who I thought ought to know the Victoria food scene better than us 'mere mortals' I suddenly had the epiphany that maybe, just maybe we eat out too often.

Since I love sharing good food with others, I figured could try to distill this knowledge into something productive. And maybe (just maybe) justify all the eating out a little bit...

Usually, I share my meals with my partner-in-food-and-life (my "PIFAL"), or my (self-described) foodie coworker whenever we can plan our day around a lunch out of the 'office.' Sometimes, our dog joins us whenever we can find somewhere with a patio or sidewalk seating area that is dog friendly (as a former Mexican street dog, she enjoys food too). When it tickles my tastebuds, I write about it. When it doesn't... I don't.

Most of what I focus on, or tend to enjoy, here will tend to be produced and sourced locally. This isn't coincidence. I have come to realize that local just tastes better. This blog mostly just ends up being proof of this.